Monday, December 9, 2019

Morning Glory

Every so often, I encounter someone I am compelled to love. You know like Jesus says, “Love your neighbor” or “Love the brethren” or “Love one another.” Like as if there is no tension at all between individuals, friends or family. We have disagreements and I don’t mean the kind where you like the Patriots and I like the Cowboys. I mean real personality conflicts, character issues, misunderstandings, severe differences. Some people are difficult to love, yet it is His command.

How do I do that? How do I justify my disgust, or discomfort with my Christian duty to love? Do I ignore my irritation and try to overcome my rational complaints? Do I subdue my own feelings and just chalk it up to “try to get along?” Or is there a better way to handle the love for others when others are unlovable? 

“But I don’t like him or her.” Yeah, well. I am learning, I don’t have to like someone to love him.  God in His creative imagination placed together all kinds of personalities with various gifts, talents, heritages, and experiences. Not everyone gets along. Even within the same family there can be sharp schisms and conflict. Often love gets lost and dislike sets in.

When I am annoyed with another, Jesus renews my Love when I apply Corinthians 13 to myself. “God is Love.”  God who promised to live within me loves others through me. Love is an encounter that penetrates first my soul then extends to those He purposes to touch through me. I may not like or agree with someone, but I can in patience, and kindness bless with Godly influence.

Reader, I hope that as you consider these messages, you will let your mind ponder the Love of God in each distinct action and sense Him loving others through you, even those you don’t care for.   

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