Matthew 6:12-15 "Forgive our debts (or trespasses or sin) as we forgive those who sin against us"
What a tall order! We are prone to judge, criticize and condemn anyone who grieves, offends or insults us. But judging is God's territory, not ours. We are not able take God's authority to judge or condemn those who offend us. He has promised that He will deal with it timely and thoroughly and avenge the wrong that has been done toward us.
So how do we go about "forgiving." First of all forgiving is not forgetting. Our memories are too good for that. We can't pretend that it didn't happen. It happened. We can't hide it deep inside because it eventually will creep out into our relationships and cause bitterness and agitation.
The word "Forgive" means to "give ahead or before a pardon". He died to offer pardon for sin to everyone. Those who acknowledge their sin to Him receive forgiveness from Him. We can, like Jesus, forgive or offer pardon to those who sin against us.
Acknowledge the offense. Identifying the trespass is crucial. It puts a name on it. It declares it's reality. The grievance has legitimacy.
Give it over to God. Allow Him to deal with it. Believe His promise. Trust Him, I mean really believe that He will keep His promise to lead, care for and avenge us. Even when it happens again we can take the steps to forgive and go on with life, relying on our Savior to be in command of our inner being.
We who have been forgiven of much would do well to learn the discipline of forgiving others.