Tuesday, January 15, 2019

In His Image

In His Image

Teary-eyed I sat listening to the speaker as she quoted the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

No way! I assumed that as a lowly human I had no capacity to love. Not God, not my neighbor, not myself. Though I’d been a church-goer all my life, raised in a strong Christian family, the concept that I was lovable was beyond my imagination. ‘I am unworthy the least of his favor.’ Hadn’t I sung that for years and took it to heart. I even began to skip singing certain phrases that proclaimed my love for Jesus. I’d be such a liar to sing those words.

But here she was saying, “You can’t love your neighbor unless you love yourself. The wonderful news is that God created us humans in His image. His love, mercy, peace, joy, forgiveness, and all His other attributes, He stored inside of us so that we can reflect Him.”

My heart skipped a beat. I understood. He placed love within me when He created me in His image. I am able to love God, I am able to love me, I am able to love my neighbor as I love myself because God created me in His image of love.